Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is a good message to write when sending a girl flowers just because?

I cant think of anything witty or remotely romantic to write on the card when I send my girl flowers for no reason...any ideas?
What is a good message to write when sending a girl flowers just because?
1st off props to you for being thoughtful.. something many many guys aren't so you already have points right there. Say something sweet really it could be anything point is she knows you're thinking of her which is the main thing. if i were you i'd just say something simple like have a great day i love you.. these are beautiful but you're 1000000 X MORE beautiful.. i'm lucky to have you etc.. like i said, anything.. just so long as you mean what you say :-)
Reply:You could just send a simple message such as "A little something to brighten up your day the way you have brightened mine since you came into my life."
Reply:Write "just because! X"

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