Saturday, February 11, 2012

Since flowers are just rotting vegetation why do people send them to loved ones.. ughh?

exactly my point...Thank You for mentioning it
Since flowers are just rotting vegetation why do people send them to loved ones.. ughh?
And it's sooo cruel! Would you like your reproductive organs cut off and sniffed at?!!!
Reply:Because, at a certain state of their "rotting", they look and smell so well!

Also, some people send potted flowers, which sort of takes care of the "rotting" part.
Reply:There is beauty in all things you just have to look for it and appreciate it and where it comes from. Ask yourself if you were able to create a unique flower wouldn't you like to share it all - colour, texture, smell etc. with someone you loved.
Reply:SLOW DOWN ! You sound way too cynical.
Reply:Well if someone sent me a rotting cabbage I would think hmm rotting vegetation. However if someone sent me a posy of some sweet smelling blooms I would smell them for as long as I could and think of how much I must mean to the person who sent them to me.
Reply:They are not rotten when they are fresh!
Reply:Because they're pleasing to look at, and some are very fragrant, before they start dying off. Besides, every living thing on earth is "rotting" - some just slower than others.
Reply:I hate wasting time and money on flowers when all theyre gonna do it rot at your loved ones house. Im with you on the flower issue.......I hate giving and recieving. Id much rather give someone a live plant that they can replant in their own garden, flower bed, etc. I think all attendants at a funeral should send either a tree to be planted in memory or either a basket of live plants. Those last forever if you take care of them.
Reply:I think we get too technical about things, we lose sight of the joys of life.
Reply:Cause they smell and look pretty... don't be so pessimistic the glass is half full and the flowers are half fresh lol
Reply:I was bridesmaid for my cousin a few years back. We had to wear fresh flower garlands on our heads. They were really big and garish and I wasn't too thrilled in the first place.

But when the flowers slowly died during the course of the day, the smell became unbearable. At first I couldn't figure out what the smell was but eventually I realised it was on my own head! Disgusting!! Couldn't wait to get rid of the damn thing!
Reply:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Besides, you send fresh flowers, not rotting ones.

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