Saturday, February 11, 2012

I want to send you flowers for Valentine's day, so what are your favorite kind?

aw thats so sweet

i'd love roses, tulips or orchids

but i'll settle for just a card =)
I want to send you flowers for Valentine's day, so what are your favorite kind?

try a different area code! Report It
Reply:Awww, how sweet. I'm not picky. Surprise me!
Reply:lavenders and calla sweet of you...
Reply:Tulips, carnations and lavender
Reply:I love tulips.....thank you. Now what should I get for you?
Reply:Flowers? For meeeeeee?? Awwwwwww....shucks....

Peruvian lilies or tulips for me!

What's better than roses on your piano?

Tulips on your organ!
Reply:Super Silver Haze or White Widow,thanks.
Reply:Red roses... the more the better!

Thanks darling!

Im simple: red roses
Reply:Carnations or Daisies!
Reply:Carnations =)
Reply:roses and tulips
Reply:Calla Lilly's

Thank You :)
Reply:Lilacs but how you gonna do this without my addy??!! I guess it IS true that its the thought that counts...
Reply:daisies, how thoughtful of u
Reply:Roses, thank you in anticipation.
Reply:Tulips and wildflowers
Reply:Anything but Lillys. Wow, I found out the hard way I'm way allergic to those!
Reply:I rather have Steak an Potato's,can you send that..,
Reply:purple roses they ae beautiful
Reply:orchids...%26amp; thanks're sweet.

I like Sunflowers, or Roses please. Thanks. :)

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