Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have never in my life received a valentines flower or even a card. How can I get a guy to send me flowers?

And not have to sleep with him just to receive them?
I have never in my life received a valentines flower or even a card. How can I get a guy to send me flowers?
1. Ask them too....

2. Stop caring if they do or don't.

3. Send yourself flowers

4. Realize that many males of today's younger generation has not been nurtured by their dad to do such things. (Ouch ...Harsh!)

5. Blame his mom for not placing enough emphasis on appreciating such things and thereby inadvertently teaching the young man she raised to NOT give flowers and such. (Ouch... even more harsh!!)

6. You man just isn't the type and will never be the a flowerless life or move on.

Of all the obvious choices I like numbers 2 %26amp; 3.....and number one is the sure fire way of getting flowers.

Oh and set the pace early on......don't open your own car door....stand there and wait for him to do it.....he'll get the hint you intend to be treated like a lady even in the fierce times of equality. Let's face it ladies we want the same amount of money as our men get paid, but we don't want equal treatment when it comes to ladies and gents. We want to be pampered and we want our soft side nourished by our big strong stud of a guy. And doesn't he want the same in reverse.....don't they like it when we 'swoon' over their capabilities.

Call me old fashioned, call me old.....but guess what. My man sends me flowers at least twice a month AND on special occasions. AND he sent my mother flowers on my birthday as a way of appreciating the kind of person she nurtured me to be.

Batting the eyes still works, being direct still works. What doesn't work is to always 'suffer in silence'.
Reply:If you "get a guy to give you flowers," you may as well go out and buy them yourself. The issue isn't so much getting flowers from someone you like as it is liking a guy who is going to give you flowers!
Reply:i don't know. i haven't gotten any myself. v-day usually blows. i'm hoping it won't this year though.
Reply:Guys are idiots when it comes to this..they'll even admit to that. You cant hint to them, they wont get it. Just come right out and say it.."Id love to receive flowers on V-day" or "flowers make me so should send them to me sometime" lol - I know it sucks to have to spell it out, but pretty much thats what you have to do :) I sent my friend flowers one year because she never got any and she loved it!!
Reply:One day .. you'll receive one ... don't be desperate waitin' for a guy to get you one ..
Reply:welcome to the club ..

fyi: i am a Scorpio but not romantic
Reply:Be his girlfriend?
Reply:Do you have someone in mind? Not just anyone is going to send you flowers, you need to be friendly and outgoing and catch the attention of someone who you are interested in.
Reply:That's sad! I always buy flowers and cards! Not just for Valentines day either! I do it just to make her smile!

@)------ A flower for you!
Reply:Just get a bf and he will get you sum
Reply:Hit me back and find out
Reply:Send some to yourself ha ha ha, it's ok to do this.
Reply:take care honey,

look before you leap.
Reply:Pick the right guy. We scorpios are very romantic.
Reply:lol... you're not alone.

never in my life I've received a valentines flower

or even a card.

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