Friday, January 27, 2012

How do i send someone flowers at work?

i want to send my mom some flowers at work,but ive never done it i need a credit card? do i give them the address and they deliver it? and how much mondey does it usually cost? thanks guys!
How do i send someone flowers at work?
1-800-flowers makes it really easy and i personally like their prices. You can actually get free shipping if you go to this site:
Reply:Go to Give them your mom's work address to deliver the flowers to. Yes, you will need a credit card.
Reply:well call a company and pay over the phone and get them delivered
Reply:You can go to the florist a couple of days before you need the flowers and pay in cash if you don't have a credit card. Pick out flowers that fit your budget, give them your mom's name and address where she works. They will take care of the rest.
Reply:25-50 dollars go to a florist they can do it all there or yes it would take credit cards or checks, go to them pay in cash and you want have all the interest added on.
Reply:You can use someone local in your area that has a good reputation or you can use 1-800 flowers or FTD or Pro Flowers. You can do a search on the internet. Usually if you order before 2:00 they can deliver them on the same day.

They will need a credit or debit card number unless you go to your local florist and pay in cash before the delivery. The prices range anywhere from $40 to over $100 depending on what you want to send.

You just give them your mom's name, address at work and phone number and they will deliver them. You need to also give them a contact number for you in case they have trouble finding your mom.
Reply:Call a florist in your area. You can go down and pay with cash or check. But if you do have a credit card, go to
Reply:It sounds like you really love your mon. THIS IS WONDERFUL Use good old hard cash and send an note with the flowers. The note will do two things. First it will tell your mon how you really feel about her. Second the people around your mon will see this love an will know first off that your mon is someone special to you.

Send a big card with big letters that says MON I LOVE YOU, YOUR THE BEST. sign the card is a way that will show that love.
Reply:You will need a credit card and the price can vary, but I'm sure you will find something nice that fits your price range.

What a lovely idea!
Reply:dont send someone flowers at work, work is for work, period.

its highly unproffesional were im from.srry
Reply:Grab a phone book and look up florist's. As for paying for them cash or charge, if your doing it over the phone then yea it will have to be charge or debit card, cash will obviously have to be paid for in person at the flower store prior to delivery. Depends on what you want to send and for what occasion. I done this a few times and ranged between $25 to $80.
Reply:If you don't have a credit card, you can go to a florist and pay cash. You will need to tell them where to deliver them. Usually it costs $5 to $30 delivery, over and above the cost of the flowers
Reply:What you should first do is get a phonebook and call some local flower shops and find out if they deliver. A lot of them do. Most of the time when I do it over the phone they allow me to pay with my card but it bothers me because they don't ask for i.d. or anything you know :P

Aside from that though, if you feel more comfortable, go to the actual flower shop so you can pick what you like. Usually you just give them the address and of course name and its no problem. They would just go to your mama's job and ask for her :)

good luck

most of the time by the way, they don't charge for delivery, that's from my experience, it may depend on where you go and of course what bouquet you choose
Reply:chck with your local flowerest

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